The 8th International Design Conference (IDC) “Design in Context” will start on November 8, 2022, along with Dubai Design Week. Context is one of the most critical aspects of design, referring to the circumstances, background, or environment in which a person, thing, or idea exists or occurs.

Context is the starting point to inform possible outcomes and situations in relation to a design brief. Within a context, many different elements might be explored before the design can take place. Context gives meaning to what we see.

Determining that a design’s context is correct, appropriate and beneficial remains a constant hurdle when attempting to ensure creative work achieves its full potential and communicates effectively with audiences.

Furthermore, context of ‘use’ can determine the purpose, design and function of a design. Context grounds ideas in reality and makes seemingly nebulous problems tangible. Context makes ideas less confusing and allows people to understand where products and services fit into the world.

A good design considers the context of the product, audience and business. Designers need to be focused on creating designs that consider the context of how and where they will be used.

AUE/ CDES welcomes international designers, educators, students along with representatives of the design community and industry in UAE to explore design in context.

Keynote Speakers
Panel Discussion

Keith Kitz
Sudhir Sharma
Patrycja Longawa
Iliya Atanasov
Taha Duri
Arafat Al-Naim
Wameedh Jamil
Luca Donner
Darren Herbert
Shlagha Agarwal
Toufic Haidamous
Rahul Malpure
Ali Matay
Jill Alexandria
Gaurav Jain
Neven Mihic
Ferwa Ibrahim



Opening Remarks
President of the University


Design in Context
Prof. Taha Duri | AUE | UAE
Dean of CDES
Design in Context
Int’l Designer Sudhir Sharma |
Founder and Director – IndiDesign
Keynote Speaker/ Presenter
Context in Poster Design
Prof. Patrycja Longawa | Poland
Keynote Speaker/ Presenter
Context in Digital Media
Mr. Iliya Atanasov | Bulgaria
Keynote Speaker/ Presenter / Pixelhunters


Opening College Show & Refreshments


Context in Visual Design
Panel Discussion (Design Educators, Industry Experts, and students)
Cultural & Social Contexts in Visual Design
Dr. Arafat Al-Naim | AUE | UAE
Rushel D’Cunha, Maryam Abdulkarem, Shadha Ziyad, Ayesha Ali
Context in Digital Publication Design
Mr. Wamidh Jameel | AUE | UAE
Mr. Ali Mati | AUE | UAE
Sally Zainab, Afreen Nizam, Isra Mohamad, Nada Khaled, Dana
Sardouk, Noor Kannin, Yara Hamadeh
Decoration vs Detailing
Dr. Luca Donner | AUE | UAE


Representation and Context: Design Narrative
Panel Discussion (Design Educators, Industry Experts, and students)
Mr. Lefteris Heretakis | Greece -UK
Mr. Darren Herbert | AUE | UAE
Ms. Jill Alexandria | AUE | UAE
Ms. Ferwa Ibrahim | AUE | UAE


Context in Visual Communication Design
Prof. Keith Kitz | USA
Keynote Speaker/Presenter
GRD Students Case Study Presentation
Dr. Arafat Al-Naim | AUE | UAE
Mr. Ali Matay | AUE | UAE
Mr. Wamidh Jameel| AUE | UAE


Architecture and Interior Context Workshop |
IND Students Case Study Presentation
Dr. Toufic Haidamous | AUE | UAE
Dr. Luca Donner | AUE | UAE
Mr. Gaurav Jain | AUE | UAE


Context in Digital Animation Workshop
DIA Students Case Study Presentation
Mr. Rahul Malpure | AUE | UAE
Ms. Ferwa Ibrahim | AUE | UAE


Context in Fashion Design Workshop
FSD Students Case Study Presentation
Ms. Shlagha Agarwal | AUE | UAE
Mr. Neven Mihic | AUE | UAE

Dubai Intl. Academic City,
P.O. Box: 503000, Dubai, UAE
T: + 971 4 4499 000
F: + 971 4 4291 205
Toll free 800AUE (283)